Monday, August 25, 2008

The Mission & Vision for the Langford Family


I have a vision, Reach One and Teach One to Reach One. It’s this formula that will bring the whole world to Christ. At the First Baptist Church of Westchester, this simple formula, and an emphasis on hospitality led to 50% growth, at Granada Hills Baptist Church it led to a 30% growth in the last year, unprecedented giving and a warmer community embracing God’s call to reach the Lost.

My wife and I dream of continuing to work together in ministry. I am best in front of people, she among them, but together we are more than the sum of our parts. Our two toddlers have become our missionaries to families everywhere we go.


I’ve done ministry all my life and for the past 10 years have been working as Associate Pastor, Interim Pastor and now as Senior Pastor. I have eight years of experience running a church. I’ve preached and taught for over thirty years. I’ve lead youth groups from 3 to over 60 members, and young adult studies from 8 to over 40 members.

When I married, my wife and I talked about ministry. We agreed that I would not apply, train or help God find a position for me. If he wanted me in ministry, He’d have to do it all. May I say here, this is the kind of challenge God loves?

I was preaching at a friend’s church when a nominating committee came to hear him and heard me instead. They asked me to apply for the senior pastor position, but I felt I couldn’t because I wasn’t ordained (I am now an ordained American Baptist Pastor). A few months later they called and said they had an opening for an Associate Pastor. I never say no to God, so I accepted this position. I have been transformed by this decision. God has changed me into a great teacher and good preacher, through experiences I never thought he could use. It is as if every experience I’ve ever had has been training me for what I am doing now. God is marvelous.


I have a thirst to bring new forms of communication into our worship services like drama, songs, movies and even mime, because I have 3 degrees in theater and have published poetry, fiction, and plays and was a journalist for many years. My love for teaching is supported by a degree in Educational Psychology with an emphasis on cooperative learning.


When I look into the world, I see brokenness, betrayal and heartache. Helping hurting people is only half the job. Our churches are filled with the same pain and we need healing. I have a desire to build a healing community. I want lives to change, and this can only happen where people are challenged not only to dwell in the Spirit, but also serve and obey. A Christian is not made in solitude, but in sanctuary. A Chirstian is not refined in comfort, but in fire. Like my wife and myself, the church is more than the sum of its parts.

Our encounters with God change us. Looking past ourselves, our faith is strengthened when we obey. When we obey, we discovers things not just about ourselves, but our Savior. We have strength in our weaknesses.

Through struggles, joys and pains, God has made Jennifer and my journey one worth taking, especially as we are so blessed with new lives of our son and daughter and new friends who have found Christ because of our ministry.


Aaron, Allison, Kaitlyn, Mackenzie and Owen said...

good start! I told you bolgspot was easy to use! :-) Good luck, we are praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Paul I have seen amazing work by God through you. I have had the marvelous pleasure of being on of them, and I know that God has even more wonderful things instore for you and your family. You have been a guide for me, a teacher, a mentor, a counselor, and a friend. I can't wait to see where the Lord leads you next, and I am even more curious to see what the kiddos do! Miss you all terribly!

Rob said...
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Unknown said...


What a treat to find you online! Though we have been apart for many years, I can see that God has been faithful in your life, just as he has been in mine. I have thought of you often, and wondered how you were fairing. I long to reconnect with you, and hear the details of your journey. Your wife recently found me on Facebook, and Missy G sent me the link to this blog. The world is suddenly becomming so much smaller... I pray that we can meet together in person sometime soon, but until then the written word will have to do. Feel free to contact me on Facebook, or have Jennifer do so. May God bless you and keep you.

Your brother in Christ,